Wednesday, February 7, 2018

“Why Trump’s military parade won’t be ‘like the one in France” (The Washington Post)

    An article by “The Washington Post,” discussed President Trumps desire to hold his own military parade in Washington ‘like the one in France’ (hint the title). France’s Bastille Day is an annual parade which is deeply connected to the country’s roots and values which dates back to the late 1800s. Trump expressed his admiration towards this tradition and wants to hold a military march in Washington. Questions were raised immediately whether or not Trump’s intentions were the same. Officials are concerned that it might send a very different political message to other countries such as, “Look how strong we (and I) are.” The article also reminded us of his previous interactions last summer when Trump threatened North Korea with nuclear weapons. Many public figures in foreign countries have already added their opinion and concerns. Statements include “an act of boyish mischief,” “infantile and ill-advised,” “Trump plays with the subject so carelessly and recklessly as if it were some kind of video game.” To make matters even worse, in addition to expressing how he wanted hold a military parade like the one in France, Trump added “We’re going to have to try to top it.” This article is worth the read if you are curious how our president is demolishing respect with our alliances one ignorant statement at a time.☺
Noack, Rick. “Analysis | Why Trump's military parade won't be 'like the one in France'.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 7 Feb. 2018,        

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