Thursday, March 8, 2018

A Right's View on Gun Control

      This blogger J Hines posted “Here’s Why some People don’t understand about Gun Control” to defend the second amendment and supported his claim with poor evidence. First of all, this blogger failed to title his work in a coherent fashion, so naturally we already see where this argument is heading. J Hines has no credibility nor evidence, other than his opinion, to back up his argument. His intended audience is virtually anyone who will agree with his opinionative argument.

      This blogger is desperately trying to guard gun laws by adding in uncited statistics. “However the statistics have proven time and time again that the rate of violent crime will go up even if ordinary, law-abiding citizens are denied ownership of guns.” Unfortunately, there was no credible source noted to back up this statistic. He is hopelessly defending the idea that gun ownership does not lead to gun violence. Does this really have any logic behind it? The ratio between gun owners and gun owners that kill, is very low. Most people who own firearms do not pertain in killing others, but the process through which those individuals purchased the gun is where the problem lies. The Rights seem to call the Left crazies and vice versa, but who is really right? Both sides have valid arguments and I think that compromises can be made. Firearms should not be as accessible as they have been in the past. Although laws and regulations are being put into place, gun owners still exist and are scaring the majority. Overall, this bloggers argument is unclear and does not have respectable sources backing up his claim. 

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Second Amendment Comes First Response

Gabriella, your post " Second Amendment Comes First " had many valid points that I back 100%. Gun violence un...