Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Second Amendment Comes First Response

Gabriella, your post "Second Amendment Comes First" had many valid points that I back 100%. Gun violence unfortunately has evolved into an everyday part of society that we unfortunately have become desensitized to. The Second Amendment states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This has led to further interpretation that our country cannot decide on. The far Rights fight would kill (literally) for their beloved Second Amendment to remain protected. But when will this nonsense over such a clear solution come to an end? To restate what you said, this amendment originated for only a select group of people at the time, which were white men. When this was established along with the Constitution, it was clear that times were different and individuals used their firearms to protect themselves. Given too, they were not automatic weapons. Merely, the guns were just sufficient enough for protection. So how does self-defense fall under mass shootings? The media tries to hide shootings that go on in our country. The disturbing part is that most shootings do not make mass media unless there are a certain number of deaths. That to me is absolutely disgusting. Your argument is completely valid in my opinion and we as a country need to step up and put an end to gun violence.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Response to Angela

Angela, your argument coincides with mine one hundred percent. In you blog "CLOSE THE "GUN SHOW" LOOPHOLE," you made very clear, valid points on how you think legislature should act upon this subject. The "gun show loophole" has, and is a problem still to this day. Requiring background checks before the purchase of a firearm is extremely important and absolutely necessary if we are still able to access guns. I liked how you mentioned the fact that in our everyday lives we give our personal information out with ease. It is time to start doing so when it comes to purchasing a deadly weapon. Although I do not believe the average citizen should have the rights to bear arms at all, the first step in the direction of protection, is more restrictions and background checks.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Continuation of Unequal Representation

Currently in the U.S. National government, there is unbalanced representation between men and women. Not only are us women viewed as less capable of doing such tasks as men, but more pressure and a bigger spotlight is put on us during situations. As women present and come forward with arguments, such as men do, we are not taken as seriously and every mistake is highlighted. As I presented a similar topic in my previous blog, I am choosing to further carry out on my argument in this topic.
Although media is always encouraging women to join the political realm, it does not welcome us with open arms. As I mentioned in my previous argument, the political setting can be extremely dangerous for women to be a part of. When I say dangerous, I mean we are out at risk to be sexually assaulted by the men in that environment. The ratio between men and women within the government is so unbalanced it is bound to happen to a percentage of women involved.
Another negative problem strong women must deal with is the incredible amount of stigma and judgement towards them while running for office. Not only does everyone question her credibility and ability to hold her place, her looks are judged as well. For example, Hilary in the 2016 election. She was harassed by the public and every aspect of how she presented herself was ridiculed.

In the near future, I hope to see a major shift within government. Women need to have a voice and be welcomed in the political environment. Us women make up half the population, so it is time that we make up half of the elected officials.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Unequal Representation

What is the difference between men and women in office? When women fight for the same idea or ideal and with the same level of intensity as men, women are perceived as b*tches and men are seen as powerful. The strong females who are a part of the United States government are held at much higher standards than the opposite gender. Women are expected to be perfect and when we make a mistake or anger others by a statement, we are patronized.  
The environment that that government provides, does not welcome women with open arms. In fact, it is sometimes dangerous for us to enter the male majority scene. Sexual harassment happens behind closed doors as well as in the public! Women are condemned for not being perfect but yet the president can sexually harass women and not be held accountable. An example of this is during the Clinton and Trump presidential election.
During the last presidential election, Hilary Clinton was harassed by the public and as well as her opponent, Donald Trump. People called her names, judged her mannerisms, criticized her looks, and the way she spoke was “too scripted.” During debates, Trump acted like a predator towards her by circling her like a shark would its prey. This scenario is just one of the many that women are held to a much higher standard than men.

My argument here is that U.S. government needs to be more encouraging and supportive towards females running for positions in office. This will help balance out the genders within government. We as women need to be allowed to have voice and be able to gain same levels of respect and equal representation as men do. It takes one honest person in position of power to change the kind of negative image that women have gained. My hope for our future this that we who run in office will gain the same level of respect as men do. 

Second Amendment Comes First Response

Gabriella, your post " Second Amendment Comes First " had many valid points that I back 100%. Gun violence un...